In the meantime I have a bunch of books on my waiting list at the library and for my kindle. They are....
I actually own this book and have never read it despite it's insane popularity. Well, the movie comes out soon and it looks good, so I need to read the book before I see the film version. Even if I'm the last person in the world to do so, I WILL read this book soon!
I love World War II fiction. 22 Britannia Road
A psychological thriller about a woman who has amnesia. Kind of like the film 50 First Dates but not a comedy by any means. I'm excited to read this because I haven't read a page-turner in a while!
This book is described as being a little bit of everything: love story, adventure story, political/ethical story, and self-discovery story. This book is also described as being one of those books that is full of metaphors and symbolism, which sometimes isn't my cup of tea. Depends on how it's done really... The story must still be intriguing. This book is at the top of the New York Times bestseller list, which is usually full of fluff, so it must be ok.
Was it suicide or murder? This is the question Beatrice tries to answer when it comes to Tess, her older sister who has died. An emotional thriller full of suspense. Reviewers tell me to have a box of tissues handy!
The first of two non-fiction books on my list, I feel like I want to read this memoir by Jaycee Dugard primarily to appreciate my own average, uneventful life more. Isn't that the reason why we love to read about other people's tragedies? So we can say, "Wow, glad I didn't have to go through that"? Stories like this make me want to be more thankful for the things in my life that I normally take for granted.
What we're doing to the Earth's oceans makes me want to puke (did you know for every 1 lb of shrimp harvested from the ocean, 4 lbs of other animals die?) so I'm hesitant to read this book. I love seafood and the last book I read about the food industry and ocean fishing made me become a complete vegetarian. But knowledge is power and I want to know what I can do. Support sustainable fishing!
So there you have it. My summer reading list. Now if you excuse me, Paul and I are going to get Chinese takeaway and watch Tangled
All of these books sound really good, except that I've already read The Help, so thanks for the additions for my list!